Open up Wl_draw.c
Goto line 972 until you see this:
= VGAClearScreen
void VGAClearScreen (void)
unsigned ceiling=vgaCeiling[gamestate.episode*10+mapon];
// clear the screen
asm mov dx,SC_INDEX
asm mov ax,SC_MAPMASK+15*256 // write through all planes
asm out dx,ax
asm mov dx,80
asm mov ax,[viewwidth]
asm shr ax,2
asm sub dx,ax // dx = 40-viewwidth/2
asm mov bx,[viewwidth]
asm shr bx,3 // bl = viewwidth/8
asm mov bh,BYTE PTR [viewheight]
asm shr bh,1 // half height
asm mov es,[screenseg]
asm mov di,[bufferofs]
asm mov ax,[ceiling]
asm mov cl,bl
asm rep stosw
asm add di,dx
asm dec bh
asm jnz toploop
asm mov bh,BYTE PTR [viewheight]
asm shr bh,1 // half height
asm mov ax,0x0000
asm mov cl,bl
asm rep stosw
asm add di,dx
asm dec bh
asm jnz bottomloop
Change the entire thing to this:
= VGAClearScreen
void VGAClearScreen (void)
unsigned ceiling=vgaCeiling[gamestate.episode*10+mapon];
unsigned floor;
if (gamestate.episode == 0 && mapon == 0)
floor = 0x0000;
floor = 0x1919; // grey
// clear the screen
asm mov dx,SC_INDEX
asm mov ax,SC_MAPMASK+15*256 // write through all planes
asm out dx,ax
asm mov dx,80
asm mov ax,[viewwidth]
asm shr ax,2
asm sub dx,ax // dx = 40-viewwidth/2
asm mov bx,[viewwidth]
asm shr bx,3 // bl = viewwidth/8
asm mov bh,BYTE PTR [viewheight]
asm shr bh,1 // half height
asm mov es,[screenseg]
asm mov di,[bufferofs]
asm mov ax,[ceiling]
asm mov cl,bl
asm rep stosw
asm add di,dx
asm dec bh
asm jnz toploop
asm mov bh,BYTE PTR [viewheight]
asm shr bh,1 // half height
asm mov ax,[floor]
asm mov cl,bl
asm rep stosw
asm add di,dx
asm dec bh
asm jnz bottomloop
Every time you want to change the floor color to a new level or episode add:
else if (gamestate.episode == 1 && mapon == 4)
floor = 0x1515;
Before the:
floor = 0x1919; // grey
This means everyone other level with have this floor color, unless you add the above code:
Below is a color gif. pic that shows all the colors in the wolf3d engine. Enjoy